Sunday, January 28, 2007

Condo's being built on the beach at Peurto Penasco, Mexico.
Sand saddle where guys go 4-wheeling out of Peurto Penasco.
Part of Choyo Bay where the guys go clam-digging, out of Peurto Penasco.
Posted by Picasa A little home in Choyo Bay with a LOT of cha-chee!

Old Folks home in Peurto Penasco, Mex. in their little chapel, with the head-sister who spoke pretty good English.
Donations for the seniors from Newmar members/friends.
Home holds 15 seniors.
Posted by PicasaNew addition/garden at old-folks home donated by U.S. couple for new dining room/kitchen.

In Peurto Penasco, Mexico. One of the houses in our neighborhood.
Our RV Park.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Los Conchos, area out of Peurto Penasco, Mex. Homes on the waterfront cost over $1M !!

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The Newmar Club's donations to the handicapped Children's School in Peurto Penasco.
Talking to the head mistress at the school (staff of 15). The parents come to school with the kids. The kids are taught how to make pinata's. At age 16, they can go to work in a company making them for a salary.
A few of the older kids at the school with their parents.
Here's the school, and a little deaf boy with sparkling eyes that we spoke to through his mother. Posted by Picasa

In Peurto Penasco, Mexico Jan. 07. Looking down the street the Hole in the Wall Bakery is on.
"Shacks 5th Avenue" in Peurto Penasco. This year they have paved streets!
Vendor's stores at Shacks 5th Avenue.
Sunset view from a waterfront restaurant in P. Penasco looking at the mountain range on the Baja. Posted by Picasa

In Peurto Penasco, Mexico (Rocky Point) Jan. 07. Going into the "Hole in the Wall" bakery. (This year they have a new cement floor instead of dirt)
Entrance into the Bakery.
Wood-burning oven where they bake all their bread inside the bakery.
Baker making goodies. Posted by Picasa

Quartsite, Arizone in January. Outside the big RV tent filled with Vendors.
Mike buying "blue" equipment for the rig.
Camp Newmar with almost 300 RV's in Quartsite desert.
Entrance to "Camp Newmar" - we're at the end of the row on the right.... Posted by Picasa

Visiting daughter in Portland for her birthday.
Grandson Dillonat his basketball game.
Grandaughter Rikki (15) and boyfriend Sam going to the dance.
Beautiful daughter Wendy with her new orchid.
The Triem Family:
Rickman and Wendy
Rikki, Twins: Dillon & Sierra (12), and
Colton (9). Posted by Picasa

Xmas at the Lowery's 2006.
Making one of the kid's favorites (Buckeye's) with daughter Jean and 3-yr. old Kaylen.

The Chapman's.

Madelyn (7.5)
Son Christopher and girlfriend Sara. Posted by Picasa