6/29/06 enjoying a view of Mt. Rainer about 3 hrs after turning in our badges and hitting the road."Welcome to Retirment" This was a 10 day trip just to break away from the working routine. We stayed at Molicps Wa. with good friends John and Susan Calhoun and enjoyed the July 4th activies. (should have taken more pictures) and then off to see Mike's sister in North Bend Or. then stopped saw daugher Wendy and family in Beaverton Or. and home.
Another view of Mt. Rainer.
Carol washing sand off of sand dollars we gathered on the beach.
Carol helping clean the mold off of the window frames at sister's Darlene's home (they had some major problem with broken water pipe while away in Calif in Jan. "Major Repairs"
Parked at sister house on Ten Mile lake (North Bend Or.) What a view.